Right here. Right now.
Rejuvenating Retreats
Ever feel like you need a vacation after your vacation? Next time you want to get away, take a curated, long weekend to nourish mind, body and soul. We will plan every detail so that you can show up as you are and go with the flow. Practice yoga as much or as little as you'd like, take group hikes, indulge in freshly prepared vegetarian meals, and be amongst great company. After one of our retreats, you'll return home feeling refreshed and rested.

Join Susannah to dive head first into the world of Tantra Yoga, or take one of her Foundations of Yoga workshops to reconnect with the basics of alignment and breath.

1 on 1 Sessions
Would you benefit from one on one attention, hands on adjustments, and yoga sessions catered to your goals, desires, and abilities? Chat with Susannah to see how you can connect deeper with your yoga practice and invite harmony into body, mind, and soul.